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What Does Snake Milkers Do?

Snakes – just the word will send chills down the spine of many people. They slither and slide and are generally a creepy creature. Most people would choose to steer clear of snakes altogether. Now it may sound crazy, but there are some people that choose to work with snakes – the deadly ones. They are called snake milkers.

Snake milkers have an insane job. They “milk” snakes for their venom. This means that every single day, a snake milker handles deadly, venomous snakes. If you want to buy snake venom online, refer to

snake venom

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It’s a hands-on job where you put your fingers millimetres away from the sharp, fangs of asps, vipers, cobras, corals, mambas, kraits, and rattlesnakes. One slip of a finger and, well, it's all over.

Snake venom does play an important role in science. It can be used for antivenoms and medicines. Snake milkers are actually doing something great for the world. The venom they extract can be used to create antivenom. 

Newer medical research is showing that venom can be used in medicines to help with both strokes and malignant tumours. The venom of the pit viper is being used in medicine called Viprinex that expands the window for treatment for stroke victims. As research continues, who knows how else we will use venom.

Snake milking is a dangerous job, but by saving lives it can be quite satisfying. During the day, you work in a serpentarium. A serpentarium is a place where snakes live. For work, you remove venomous snakes from their homes and “milk” them. This entails, stretching latex over a jar and having the snake bite the jar. The venom is extracted in two ways, manually massaging the venom glands or electric stimulation that contracts the muscles around the glands. 

Both ways cause a yellow, deadly venom to spit out into the jar. Next, the venom is freeze-dried and used by or sold to pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, and universities for research and production.