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Real Estate Business – Do Something Different

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Many of us have heard this saying before but, I wonder how many of us have actually listened to it and then applied it to our own businesses. Many times real estate agents are afraid of change.

It is completely understandable. Especially if they have been in the real estate business for any period of time, they may be afraid to rock the boat or step out and try something new.

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However, the state of the real estate industry today is forcing change. Between the online social media explosion and the state of the market, agents are finding that they are doing the same marketing over and over and are getting the same results… and those results are no longer hacking it.

It is time to stop the insanity. If you want different results, you need to have different actions. Here are 3 different things that you should be using in your real estate marketing arsenal:

1. Internet Marketing – Buyers are looking online first. It is that simple. Agents can no longer stick their head in the sand and say it isn’t happening. If you haven’t already, make sure you and your listings are there when they come looking.

2. Call Capture Technology – For more exposure for your listings incorporate call capture technology into your marketing.

3. A Real Estate Marketing System – One of the things that real estate agents should do when they are looking to do something different is to get involved with the people that are already doing it. If you have never been involved in a real estate training system before, now may be the time.