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3 Creative Ways To Personalize Your Wedding

When it comes to designing your wedding, there’s really no “one size fits all” approach. In fact, we think some of the best weddings are the ones packed with personality, creativity, and authentic details that tell a story about the couple.

These days, platforms like Pinterest have made it super easy to source and replicate inspiration. You can even complete your wedding arrangements hassle-free on time by booking a new house country hotel in advance. 

Include Meaningful Details

Amongst all of the decor and pretty flowers, it’s the meaningful details that will make your wedding day feel that little bit extra special. Take a moment to think about any significant items that hold a special memory to you, and consider how you might be able to incorporate these into your celebration. You can also draw inspiration from your shared hobbies and passions, too. 

Customize Your Ceremony

Your wedding ceremony will be one of the most memorable moments of the day, so it should feel totally authentic to you and your partner. As long as you sign the right paperwork, you have completely free rein to personalize your ceremony however you like!

Enjoy a pre-ceremony cocktail, choose meaningful music, walk down the aisle with your partner, ask your celebrant to share the story of how you met, or inject some humor into your wedding vows. There’s no reason why your ceremony can’t feel just as fun as your reception! 

Serve Signature Drinks

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a signature drink? Serve up a cocktail that has a special meaning to you both, or work with your bartenders to design your own custom concoction. You can also give your signature drink a witty name, serve “his and hers” cocktails, or create a fun sign that explains the meaning behind the beverage.