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How to Protect Your Passwords?

Password protection does NOT mean having three different passwords and rotate them among all of your accounts. Now we all have to realize that if we have a different password for every account we risk getting our personal information stolen.

Passwords should be strong and long. Each password should have the capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You should not use a dictionary word in your password and it must be at least 14 characters, the longer the better. You can browse this link to find a secure password manager.

Some websites will still only allow 8-10 characters without symbols. If you find a website that does not allow a strong password does not do business with them. Find other businesses that provide good security for your information.

Image result for password manager

Image Source: Google

The other problem is that we have some tools that we use to store and banks as our smartphone, tablet, and laptop or desktop computer. The answer is a password manager. There are many companies that provide this type of program or application, just search for "password manager".

Here are some features you should look for:

  • Work across multiple devices and operating systems
  • Safely store your information with strong encryption
  • Never store your master password on their servers
  • Having the ability to generate a strong password
  • Save your credit card information and will fill out your information if you buy something
  • Check your current password to ensure that they are strong

Most companies that offer this service will have a free version have limited features and limit the number of passwords that you can save.