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Examining The Various Myopia Control Techniques

As myopia, or nearsightedness, becomes increasingly prevalent, the exploration of myopia control techniques has garnered significant attention in the field of eye care. These techniques aim to slow down the progression of myopia, reducing the risk of associated eye conditions. There are several types of myopia control lenses in Singapore,,  including multifocal contact lenses, orthokeratology lenses, and atropine eye drops. 

myopia controle lenses

Here, we delve into various myopia control methods:

1. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K):

This non-surgical approach involves wearing specially designed rigid contact lenses overnight. These lenses reshape the cornea temporarily, providing clear vision during the day. Ortho-K has shown promise in slowing down myopia progression, and its reversible nature makes it a popular choice for individuals seeking non-permanent solutions.

2. Multifocal Contact Lenses:

Multifocal contact lenses, designed with varying prescriptions to address distance and near vision, are another myopia control option. These lenses aim to reduce eye strain associated with prolonged near work and may slow down myopia progression in some individuals.

3. Atropine Eye Drops:

Atropine, a medication commonly used to dilate the pupils during eye exams, has been studied for its myopia control effects. Low-dose atropine eye drops have shown promise in slowing down myopia progression, although the long-term effects are still under investigation.

4. Bifocal or Progressive Eyeglasses:

Similar to multifocal contact lenses, eyeglasses with bifocal or progressive lenses offer different prescriptions for near and distance vision. These lenses are designed to reduce the strain on the eyes during close-up tasks, potentially slowing down myopia progression.


Myopia control techniques offer promising avenues for addressing the increasing prevalence of nearsightedness. As research in this field advances, a comprehensive understanding of these methods will empower individuals and eye care professionals to make informed decisions for effective myopia management.