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Everything About Red Wine

Most people have been in this somewhat awkward situation: They drank a few glasses of red wine – Merlot, Cabernet, you choose – and the evidence was all over their teeth and lips. 

Whether it's a drink at home in the evening or a meal with friends: you don't need anything special to remove wine-stained teeth or lips. You can also check for the best wine spritzer via the web.

Wine Spritzer Recipe and Guide

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A few simple fixes—and good preparation—could mean you grab the cake and eat it too, or better yet, grab the red one and drink it too.


If someone notices that they have red teeth and burgundy lips, it's likely a byproduct of grape pigment adhering to a plaque on the surface of the teeth, so the easiest way to remember is to brush before drinking. 

It is also important to brush your teeth before drinking, as wine is highly acidic. Sufficient acid exposure in these drinks can erode tooth enamel and make teeth susceptible to sensitivity or tooth decay.

While drinking

Of course, this may not be the most sophisticated way to enjoy red wine, but it can at least protect your lips from stains: Use a straw to let the wine completely cover your lips.

For those who are aware of having red lips, there is always an embrace of color that makes them look desirable. Quickly add just enough gloss once in a while with a little lip balm to make the red look like a shimmer and not wine residue.