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The Best Organic Teas For A Healthy Diet

Organic black tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, a bush native to China that is considered one of the best sources of antioxidants. 

Organic green tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis and Thea Sinensis, two other bush varieties that are also high in antioxidants. If you want to purchase organic teas from online websites, you may navigate to this site.

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Organic white tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis but without any added flavoring. It's believed to have health benefits similar to those of green tea, including reducing inflammation and helping improve cognitive function. 

Organic oolong tea is made from the leaves and buds of an ancient Chinese variety of oleifera that has been steeped in water at a higher temperature than other types of tea for a longer time period. This process produces a more flavorful and delicate cup than white or black oolong teas.

How Much Tea Should I Drink Each Day?

The amount of tea you drink each day is up to you. Some people prefer to drink a small amount every morning, while others might want to enjoy a larger cup afternoon-style. The best way to find out how much tea is right for you is to experiment with different brands and types until you find one that suits your taste and drinking habits.

When choosing organic teas, be sure to read the ingredients list. Many organic teas are laden with sugar and unhealthy additives, so it’s important to choose ones that contain only organic ingredients and few if any sugars. If you’re looking for a caffeine boost, try an herbal tea such as chamomile or lavender.