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Natural Solutions to Prevent Mosquito Infestations: Pest Control without Pesticides

With the summer season comes the inevitable onslaught of mosquitoes, buzzing around and making life miserable. It is no surprise that some homeowners turn to pesticides to keep the pesky bugs at bay, but there are natural solutions that can help prevent mosquito infestations without the use of toxic chemicals.  Natural mosquitoes pest control techniques are far healthier for the environment and your family, and can be just as effective in keeping mosquito populations under control. 

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One of the most effective natural methods of mosquito control is to reduce the amount of standing water around your home. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so if you can keep any puddles or pools of water from forming, you can drastically reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home.

You can also introduce natural predators to the area to help keep the mosquito population down. Bats and dragonflies are natural predators of mosquitoes and can help reduce the number of bugs in the area. Installing bat houses around the perimeter of your home can help attract bats, while adding a few shallow water areas to your yard can attract dragonflies.

Another natural pest control method for mosquitoes is to grow certain plants in and around your home. Citronella and lavender are two popular plants that can help repel mosquitoes. Planting them in pots or around your yard can help to keep the bugs away. You can also use certain essential oils to help repel mosquitoes. Citronella, peppermint, and lemongrass oils are all effective in keeping mosquitoes away. 

Finally, you can use a bug zapper or a mosquito trap to help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. These traps use a combination of heat, light, and carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes and kill them before they can reproduce. Bug zappers can also be used to help keep other flying insects away, such as flies and moths.