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Why Would You Want To Hire An Energy Consultant?

If you're looking to turn your home energy efficiency into a profitable project, you should consider hiring an energy consultant. In this article, find out what the advantages are of using the services of an energy consultant and how they can help you with your project.

Types of energy consultant services

If you're looking to improve your home's energy efficiency, you might want to consider hiring an energy consultant through sites like Tune Facilities. There are a variety of services that consultants can offer, including assessments, recommendations, and installation. Here's a look at some of the most common types of consultant services.

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Home Energy Assessment 

A home energy assessment is a comprehensive check of your home's current energy efficiency and potential savings. The assessment will typically include an inspection of your home's exterior and interior, as well as a review of your current energy usage and costs. Depending on the level of service you choose, your consultant may also provide recommendations for improvements. 

Home Energy Audit 

A home energy audit is similar to a home energy assessment, but it focuses more on identifying problems with your home's energy usage. An auditor will typically spend more time in your home exploring different areas, such as the attic, basement, and windows. This type of report can help you identify areas where you can make significant savings on your energy bill. 

Home Performance Rating 

A home performance rating is similar to a home energy audit but it focuses more on assessing how well your home is functioning overall. A performance rating will typically include an energy efficiency calculation and a home energy assessment. 

Energy Audits vs Home Energy Assessments The main difference between an audit and an assessment is that an energy audit focuses on identifying areas where you can save energy rather than providing recommendations for specific improvements.