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Looking For Proper Dental Care For Children In Manassas

Dental care should start during the newborn and infant years. Wiping gums with a damp washcloth after meals and putting children to bed with only bottles of water help to prevent issues when teeth develop. As soon as the first tooth shows, parents should switch to a soft toothbrush to clean teeth at least twice a day. You can also navigate to this website to get the best dental care solutions in Manassas.

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Dentists who cater to children often recommend a trial visit that exposes the child to the dental office environment. Children who have their teeth brushed every day should have a comfort level with the oral examination portion of a dental visit. 

Important Components of Dental Care for Children:

Dentists recommend that children receive professional applications of fluoride at least two times a year. In addition, parents should administer systemic fluoride drops to infants and fluoride tablets to children through the teenage years. Parents should carefully monitor the amounts of fluoride ingested by children. 

During the teenage years, tooth extractions or braces may be required to prevent long-term dental issues. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends an orthodontic evaluation for children before age seven. Braces are used to straighten teeth and improve the bite, helping to prevent jaw problems and crooked teeth that may contribute to tooth decay, abnormal tooth wear, chewing difficulties, and more.

Beginning good dental care during the early years and continuing this through childhood increase the likelihood of children practicing good oral hygiene as adults. This approach may prevent the need for fillings and other dental procedures that are invasive, painful, and expensive.