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Tips for Maintaining Clean Windows Between Professional Cleanings

Windows are an essential part of any home or workspace, offering a source of natural light and ventilation. However, keeping them clean can be a challenge, especially if you live in an area with a lot of dust, pollen, or other pollutants. Professional window cleaning services can be expensive, so it's essential to know how to maintain your windows between professional cleanings. 

1. Clean Your Windows Regularly

The easiest way to maintain clean windows is to clean them regularly. Dirt and grime accumulate over time, making it more challenging to remove them. It's essential to clean your windows once every month or two, depending on your location and environmental factors.

2. Use a Microfiber Cloth

Microfiber cloths are an excellent choice for cleaning windows as they are super absorbent and can trap dirt and dust particles without leaving any lint or streaks. They are also environmentally friendly as they require less cleaning solution than traditional cleaning cloths. 

3. Clean the Window Frames and Sills

Window frames and sills can accumulate dirt and dust over time, which can affect the cleanliness of the windows. It's essential to clean them regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime. 

4. Remove Hard Water Stains

Hard water stains are a common problem in areas with high mineral content in the water. They can make the windows look cloudy and affect their transparency. To remove hard water stains, you can use a solution of vinegar and water or a commercial hard water stain remover. 

5. Avoid Cleaning Windows in Direct Sunlight

Cleaning windows in direct sunlight can cause the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly, leaving streaks and water spots on the glass. It's best to clean the windows on a cloudy day or in the early morning or late evening when the sun is not shining directly on the windows.


Maintaining clean windows between professional cleanings is essential for the appearance and lifespan of your windows. By following these tips, you can keep your windows clean and clear throughout the year, without spending a lot of money on professional cleaning services.