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Learn About Types of Asbestos and Potential Health Dangers

asbestos in Newcastle, NSW removal

There are 2 types of asbestos-like Amphibole and Serpentine. Even though the Serpentine sounds sinister, it is usually the less dangerous one. But, exposure to asbestos can cause serious health issues leading to potentially fatal ones.

Here, we will discuss several kinds of asbestos which are generally recognized by their colours. We will also cover health risks connected to their exposure.

Amosite (Brown Asbestos)

It is the 1st member of the asbestos family and was generally used in ceiling tiles, pipes, thermal insulation, and cement sheeting.

Chrysotile (White Asbestos)

It is a member of the Serpentine family, known for heat resistance, versatility, tensile strength, and pliable nature. It was generally used in wall and ceiling sheeting, corrugated roof sheeting, wet areas, and pipe insulation.

Crocidolite (Blue Asbestos)

It is a member of the Amphibole family. It was generally used in various products that brown asbestos was used for while offering certain application variations.Most countries have banned the usage of brown and blue asbestos from building materials.

Anthophyllite, Actinolite, and Tremolite

The asbestos forms are not the correct contaminants for mining ventures and are also not mined for commercial usage.

Potential health dangers

As per the US national cancer Institute, all asbestos forms are potentially dangerous to health. Exposure can enhance the risks of several diseases like mesothelioma and asbestosis. They can stay in the lungs for huge time and cause various issues.

So, if you want to play safe before buying or renovating a building, you should invest in asbestos removal in Newcastle, NSW by professionals.