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Hazelnuts: for your heart, brain, and your good looks

Hazelnuts are good for the heart. Research has shown that those who consume hazelnuts or hazelnut oil on a regular basis are more likely to live a longer life than those who do not eat hazelnuts.

After learning that hazelnuts are good for your heart, you might be surprised to also learn that 60-70% of the walnut is made up of oil. These monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which is a good type of fat that the body needs.  Certified organic oil quality is good and they do not contain cholesterol and are very low in saturated fat.

Society has programmed us to believe that all fats and oils are bad for the heart, but this is simply not true. Without a little fat or oil consumption, our bodies will just be shut down. And this is the case of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Hazelnut oil is rich in vitamin E, which is very good for the heart muscles and also for all other muscles in the body. This oil prevents the breakdown of red blood cells but helps shape them, as well as muscle cells and other tissues.

Hazelnuts contain an amino acid known as arginine that helps relax blood vessels. They are also a good source of folic acid, which also helps prevent heart disease.

So, if you have any kind of heart problem, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, or have had a heart attack in the past; then you may want to do some research on these nuts and consider including them in your daily diet.